Our latest feature update helps you deeply understand your customers and what exactly motivates them to make that all-important purchase - in just a few clicks!


August 13, 2024

Who Are Your Customers and What Do They Truly Want?

New Keplo Features Take Consumer Insights to the Next Level

Imagine having a detailed profile of who your main customer is and the key factors influencing their purchasing decisions. Sure, you can probably go to your brand analytics and manually analyze some of the data available there. But imagine having all of the most relevant data you need to deeply understand your customers and what exactly motivates them to make that all-important purchase, expertly analyzed and summarized - at your fingertips in just a few clicks. Imagine the time you could save and what your business could gain with such powerful insights.

Introducing the Main End User and Main Buyer Intent

You no longer need to imagine, thanks to our latest feature update. At Keplo, we believe that understanding your customers is the key to outperforming your competition. To that end, we develop Amazon product and customer research tools and resources that transform reviews into actionable insights that help you dominate your competition. Our latest update takes this to the next level by using AI to uncover unprecedented insights into your main target customer and their main purchase motivators. Below are real examples of the Main End User and Main Buyer Intent for Mushroom Supplement Gummies from Keplo.

Our latest feature update helps you deeply understand your customers and what exactly motivates them to make that all-important purchase - in just a few clicks!

Understanding the Main End User

The Main End User helps you understand who your product’s ideal customer is by analyzing various demographic data points found in reviews. Utilizing AI and expertly designed workflows, Keplo constructs a comprehensive profile of your product's target customer, including their gender, age range, interests, and any other relevant information that can help you optimize your products and content.

Our latest feature update helps you deeply understand your customers and what exactly motivates them to make that all-important purchase - in just a few clicks!

Decoding the Main Buyer Intent

The Main Buyer Intent takes the understanding a step further by decoding why your target customer is seeking a particular product - their main purchase motivators. Keplo analyzes countless customer reviews to identify predominant patterns and provide you with invaluable insights into the most important pains and needs your target customer is looking to address so you know how to make sure they choose your product over your competitors.

Our latest feature update helps you deeply understand your customers and what exactly motivates them to make that all-important purchase - in just a few clicks!

Why These Insights Are Game-Changers

Why do these features matter, and how can they change the game for Amazon sellers? The benefits are numerous and crucial for anyone looking to enhance their listings and increase conversions. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of what you can gain:

  • Optimized Content and Products: Tailor your products and listings to directly address your target customer’s needs, increasing the probability of conversion.
  • Rufus-Ready Listings: Create Rufus-proof listings by enhancing them with rich contextual information that the new Amazon engine needs to recommend your product in searches.
  • Targeted Copywriting: Gain immediate inspiration for writing listing copy that speaks directly to your target customer's desires and needs.
  • Intent-Based Keyword Prioritization: Strategically place intent-based keywords in your listing titles and PPC ads to increase conversions.

If you are ready to gain a competitive edge with powerful insights into your main target customers and their main purchase motivators, our Free Trial is the perfect opportunity to experience how Keplo transforms raw data into actionable insights your competitors lack, driving real results for your Amazon business. Don't wait - take the leap and soar ahead of your competition with Keplo! 🚀